Adebayor in U.S. to finalise Spurs deal

Last updated : 26 July 2012 By Hog
Rumours have been circulating that Spurs have pulled out of a transfer with Ade, however this is simply because no one knew what the current situation was.

Ade was holding out for an increase, but now he is aware of his package and contrary to belief it is not the same as his package at City (although it is in the £100k bracket).

Ade flew into New York to catch a game with former team mate Henry and will be at the Spurs game against New York (just keep your eyes peeled).

Ade has always been coming to Spurs and Tottenham had "leaked" pictures onto their own website, it was all a bit of fun and games for the journalists.

I welcome the move its seen as a big risk, but if Ade wasn't coming to play, why wouldn't he keep his contract at City and get loaned out again? Common sense people.

Come on you Spurs!

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