Official Petition Launched

Last updated : 19 June 2013 By Hoggg

There are over 700 supporters of this already. 

I am just about to sign this as its the only stand we can really make against the trend of Tapping up. If we can put a stop to one the wall will come tumbling down.

I have had silly fans of other clubs contact me that would rather turn a blind eye to Tapping up (likely as their club does it often) and its likely that they are the sort to turn a blind eye to the rest of the nasty issues on the rise in the game. For me I want the pure game back, money will now always be an issue, but let's try and pull it back a bit.

Me, I'm a man of basic and honest standings, so I can honestly say that tapping up needs to go.

Join the rapidly growing petition, pass it on over your facebook and twitter accounts. Let's get this thing moving and show the football world what the power of fans can achieve! and #ReportRealToUEFA twitter campaign on your blog.


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