Get over it Redknapp

Last updated : 04 April 2013 By Hog

Harry Redknapp has said in his recent interview that he holds a grudge against Tottenham and believes (if you read between the lines) that he was not treated fairly by some.

Harry blames his contract as stopping him from landing his dream job, however he certainly loved his contract until he was linked with England! In fact he was turning down jobs left right and centre before the FA came knocking at his door.

Here's what Harry had to say on his contract;

"That was my time, really, if I was going to get it. Last year, there were a lot of things that went against me surrounding that massive contractual clause. People will always deny that is the reason, the FA couldn't say that and I won't say, but it didn't help me.

 "I had such a badly loaded contract it was crazy, in Tottenham's favour. That's what you get for not reading your contract properly. It was a massive amount that someone would have had to pay to get me out of it. If they sacked me it wasn't so massive and that was a bolt out of the blue, a shock, I genuinely never saw it coming."

Levy had began talks over a 4 year deal with Harry that was part of fending the FA off of him, but with a sudden and sharp decline in the team's performance the contract was put on ice until Harry's inevitable parting of ways. When a club does not want a star to leave they are well within their rights to expect a hefty pay out (every Tom, Dick and Harry would tell you that, other than Harry Redknapp). Harry always said himself that if a club wanted Luka they would have to pay over the "market price", so why not with him? Double standards Harry! Also I am sure that Harry and his lawyers were very familiar of what was in his contract (I mean come on!).

I am still fond of Harry and will remember the Tottenham Youth turned Gaffer for being the first manager to give us a sample of Champions League, but really these sour grapes are not needed.

If the FA really wanted Harry then they would have paid the £10million and happily (firing the past managers probably cost around that individually).

Harry does feel that he has now lost the chance of managing England, but in all fairness was it every really there? Harry had a good thing at Tottenham, but I feel that it was right for the club in the end to show him the door and welcome in AVB. Harry's job at Tottenham is something that no one can deny was his best work. 

So Harry thank you for the great memories, thank you for bringing us Champions League, but please the contract was not the stopping point, it was likely the sudden decline in Tottenham's league position and performance that turned their focus to good old Roy. The FA would have been concerned with Harrys mind losing focus so quickly (what if one of Europe’s top teams wanted to pinch him from England, same thing would happen and the England team would have suffered).

Anyone that thinks I am being ungrateful or harsh toward Redknapp I really am not (I regard him highly) and those that think this is not harsh enough, look at his record!

I wish Harry well, but this interview was a little silly on his behalf, but it shows he still wants the job!

I have already voted and have to say its not a wasted vote as I feel its a hands down winner anyway. Check out her profile on Facebook by clicking HERE.


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